
Inspiration from a busy Paediatrics Doctor

There is a paediatric registrar who works away in a metropolitan centre. Sharing some insight into her daily life has taught me some helpful learning points that allow her to stay level headed in all situations.

Working as a registrar in one of the busiest children’s hospitals is exciting and unpredictable. I’m speaking to her on her way home from work at 11pm, from a peripheral hospital site where she was just involved in the delivery of 37-week old twins – the second twin needing respiratory support. Following that, another 33-week premature baby and a 6-month old with meningitis at the same time, both who had to be transported to a tertiary hospital. Every day is different because there are always children with different conditions, different presentations and that excites her. She enjoys seeing unwell kids get better and loves creating rapport with them and their families.

She enjoys working in teams with other healthcare professionals and allied health staff. “You are never isolated in your job. You all want the best for the same child and I like to connect with as many professionals as possible who can enhance this child’s life”

“It’s so fun working around children of all ages! It’s not all work and no play. It’s all about teamwork and creating a cohesive working environment, that plays a huge part in making you a good doctor”.

BUT the challenging part is studying and working at the same time and the intense emotions involved in the death of a patient, or a deteriorating child.

“It can be very challenging”.

At this point I began to think that she was some kind of superhuman. The job sounds exhausting yet she doesn’t seem to show any traces of it.

Would you say you’re naturally gifted?

“No. I love to learn, there is so much out there yet to see and experience, that motivates me. At this very point though – the balance between work-life – exam study anxiety – keeps me going”

Any words of advice for future doctors and med students on MedMuffin?

“Don’t limit your opportunities and just pick the easy path. Let yourself experience all areas of medicine. Watch what the consultants do because that’s what you’ll probably be doing for the rest of your life.”

“Prepare to be disappointed when you realise things about a profession that you didn’t expect. For example, I just met a doctor who hadn’t seen their family for nearly a whole month due to work commitments”

“Take every little step as a learning curve. Always take criticisms well. Ask questions and learn from the experience”.

This doctor has inspired me to become a great doctor like her. She can turn any upsetting situation into a positive one with no stress or anxiety and her ability to lead teams effortlessly is truly admirable and someone I will strive to be like in the future.

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Veeran Morar

Veeran Morar

Veeran is a recent graduate optometrist who moved to Australia from New Zealand. He spends the majority of his time working in the outback and likes to write about his experiences and people that he has encountered so far.