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Want to set up an online program as a doctor?

I like to say that doctors and online learning go together like gin and tonic…

Like Aston Martins and driving really fast on country roads (if you haven’t already then you need to do this – best James Bond experience ever!).

Here’s the thing, I started my first online program while studying medicine back in 2009. Very soon I was making $5,000 in the time it takes to watch a movie and on autopilot.

We then stepped it up and in our biggest month made $250K in sales.

That’s in one month, selling a $6k online program to tight uni students.

(Obviously, these are not your typical results. I had successful methods, techniques, mentors, and strategies and worked my ass off to make it happen).

Then, my wife and I started traveling internationally 6 months of the year while making the difference in the world we were passionate about. All we needed was a WiFi connection.

One day we were working in a mountain cabin in the south of Poland. It got too cold so we jumped on a plane to the Croatian Islands to get some sun.

This is real life, guys! This is all possible for you too

We also started a foundation, clothed hundreds of school children and went on incredible adventures – one of my highlights being safari with Richard Branson (and of course, Mike Tyson biting my head – but that’s a story for another day).

Through all of this, I was creating a legacy that lives on without me. All thanks to running online programs.

Now, I’m not saying any of this to impress you. 


In fact, it makes no difference to me whether you’re impressed or not.

Instead, I want to impress upon you the significance of thinking outside the square box, using things such as online programs, and how they can change your life as a doctor, help you to leave a legacy, make a big difference in the world and have more flexibility in your life. 

…And I was a refugee kid who struggled for 3 years to pass the exam to get into medicine…

Imagine what you can do with online programs.

Imagine what you, as a doctor, with the knowledge and skills you have, can do.

This is what I tell my private clients who want help with this, because the fact is, online learning and e-learning will only grow from here on out. 

Forbes recently said:

Forbes, “E-Learning Climbing To $325 Billion By 2025 UF Canvas Absorb Schoology Moodle”, Jul 31, 2018

The only question now is, will you profit from it?

And as a doctor, you are perfectly set up to profit.

Look at it this way…

You have a depth and range of knowledge on medical topics, medical conditions, patient issues, patient management, training programs, procedures, a whole bunch of other interest areas, the list goes on.

You can create programs for the public, for specific patient groups, for doctors, for other healthcare professionals, for corporates, healthcare, and government institutions – again, the list goes on.

The crazy thing is that you already have the content for the program in your brain by virtue of you getting to this point in your life. It’s what I call your career capital (and if you don’t think you do, then click here to see what you can do). 

Creating the content for my programs was always the challenging part for me. My passions and interests were always in the business side of it. I was the one who organised, coordinated, marketed, sold and ran the thing. 

I would hire people to create high-quality content.

But you have that already.

Plus you have more experience in teaching than most people. How many med students and interns have you taught? Heaps.

In fact, whenever I speak to doctors who are interested in setting up online businesses or programs we very quickly come up with a plan on what to make, who it’s going to be for, how to make it and fill it.

Here’s the thing…

The way we do it means,

You don’t need to have a solid idea to get started

You don’t even have to have an inkling of an idea…

That’s because I can help you to figure this out, just like I do for other doctors every single day. 

We will combine your passions, areas of interest, people you love working with, tap into your existing knowledge and skills and create an online program that you can run from anywhere you have a WiFi connection, and get paid for it.

All you do need is the desire to make it happen; follow the instructions and do the work. It’s not some magic pill of money. It will require a lot of work upfront. But you’re no stranger to that.

So the question remains, do you want to be part of this, or will you miss out?

Your colleagues are calling me, in secret, every single day about this stuff. They’re already onto it.

Are you ready to think outside the square box, create the change you want to see in the world, have more freedom, and leave a legacy?

If so then let’s have a conversation about how you can do this. We’ll help you to refine your thoughts and ideas, and come up with a plan you can start to implement. 

Click here, enter your details and we’ll be in touch.

One of the things we specialise in at the Doctors Collective is showing doctors how to set up online programs. 

If we chat and I can’t help you then, hey, no hard feelings. We’ll end it there.

If I can then we’ll build out a plan together so you can implement it yourself or we can help you some more. It’s my gift to the medical community who have given me so much.

Click here to have a conversation with us about how you can be part of the adventure. 

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